29,222 research outputs found

    Hans Kelsen and the tradition of natural law: why Kelsen’s objections to the natural-law doctrine does not apply against Aquinas’s theory of natural law

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    In his works, Hans Kelsen elaborates several objections to the so-called “doctrine of natural law”, especially in his essay The Natural-Law Doctrine Before the Tribunal of Science. Kelsen argues that natural law theorists, searching for an absolute criterion for justice, try to deduce from nature the rules of human behavior. Robert P. George, in the essay Kelsen and Aquinas on the ‘Natural Law Doctrine’ examines his criticism and concludes that what Kelsen understands as the Natural-law doctrine does not include the natural law theory elaborated by Thomas Aquinas. In this paper, we will try to corroborate George’s theses and try to show how Aquinas’ natural law theory can be vindicated against Kelsens criticisms

    Hans Kelsen’s God and The State: The Theory of Positive Law as methodological Anarchism

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    Este artículo pone la obra de Hans Kelsen, God and the State, en el horizonte de God and the State de Bakunin. Esto facilita a la metodología de Kelsen el hecho de manifestarse como una delimitación del hegelianismo de izquierda de Feuerbach y su ulterior radicalización en Bakunin. La separación del derecho de Kelsen de cualquier fundamento diferente del derecho mismo prefigura la discusión sobre la relación entre derecho y vida en el estudio teórico italiano contemporáneo sobre el concepto de biopolítica. En lugar de una simple inversión del procedimiento metodológico de Kelsen, la discusión debería centrarse en la distinción entre derecho y vida, sin detenerse en la oposición entre materialidad de la vida y abstracción del derecho prefigurado en la obra de Kelsen.This article situates Hans Kelsen’s essay, God and the State, against the horizon of Bakunin’s God and the State. This enables Kelsen’s methodology to be revealed as a circumscription of Feuerbach’s Left Hegelianism and its further radicalization in Bakunin. Kelsen’s separation of law from any foundation other than in law itself prefigures the question of the relationship between law and life in contemporary Italian theoretical work on the notion of biopolitics. In place of a simple reversal of Kelsen’s methodological procedure, the question should centre upon distinguishing law from life without repeating the opposition between the materiality of life and the abstraction of law prefigured in Kelsen’s text

    Hans Kelsen: pensador político

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    Hasta la publicación de Sobre la esencia y el valor de la democracia, Hans Kelsen era solo conocido como experto en derecho público. El valor de este artículo de Lagi radica en rescatar de la obra kelseniana un aspecto casi por completo olvidado por la crUntil the publication of On the Essence and Value of Democracy, Hans Kelsen was only known as an expert in public law. The value of the Lagi s article is to rescue from the Kelsen s work, an almost completely forgotten aspect by the critics, namely, his

    The Reception of Hans Kelsen\u27s Legal Theory in the United States: A Sociological Model

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    The Essay explores the reasons underlying opposition to Hans Kelsen\u27s approach to the law within the U.S. legal academy. The vehemence with which legal scholars within the United States rejected Kelsen\u27s philosophy of law is best understood as a product of numerous factors, some philosophical, some political and some having to do with professional developments within the legal academy itself. Because philosophical and political opposition to Kelsen\u27s legal philosophy has been well-explored in earlier articles, this Essay discusses those topics briefly in Part I and then sets out in Part II a sociological model that grounds the academy\u27s rejection of Kelsen\u27s pure theory of law in professionalization processes already well underway when Kelsen arrived in the United States. Kelsen had little impact in the U.S. legal academy not only because his brand of legal positivism was uncongenial to a U.S. audience. He also had little impact because he arrived in the United States just as the twin innovations of Legal Realism and the professionalization of the legal academy were solidifying their grips on the U.S. legal community. His mode of legal thought and his approach to legal education could not be accommodated within the newly-created discursive practice of the legal professoriate, and there was thus little possibility that his approach could be accommodated within that realm

    Hans Kelsen. El Einstein de la ciencia jurídica

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    Matthias Jestaed Hans Kelsen. El Einstein de la ciencia jurídica [1] Título original en alemán “Hans Kelsen. Der Einstein der Rechtswissenschaft”. Publicado en  „Hans Kelsen und die Budesverfassung-Geschichte einer josefstädter Karriere“, Katalog Nr.17, Viena 2010


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    Philosophical Study of Hans Kelsen's Thoughts on Law and Satjipto Rahardjo's Ideas on Progressive Law

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    The purpose of this paper is to compare and evaluate the thoughts of Hans Kelsen with Satjipto Raharjo. Both offer their respective theories, namely Hans Kelsen's pure legal theory and Satjipto Rahardjo's progressive law. In this theory, both of them base their philosophical approach. After reviewing, the theories of these two figures are relevant for interpreting the law. This paper uses a critical paradigm with a combination of normative or doctrinal and sociological or non-doctrinal approaches. The results showed that Hans Kelsen directed his mind that legal positivism considers moral speech, values are finished and final when it comes to the formation of positive law. Pure Legal Theory is not a perfect copy of transcendental ideas, but it does not try to see the law as a posterity of justice. While Rahardjo's progressive law rests on the aspects of rules and behavior. Regulations will build a positive and rational legal system. While the behavioral or human aspects will drive the rules and systems that are built. Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk membandingkan dan mengevaluasi pemikiran Hans Kelsen dengan Satjipto Raharjo. Keduanya menawarkan teori masing-masing, yaitu teori hukum murni Hans Kelsen dan hukum progresif Satjipto Rahardjo. Dalam teori ini, keduanya sama-sama mendasarkan pendekatan secara filosif. Setelah dikaji, teori dari kedua tokoh ini relevan untuk memaknai hukum. Tulisan ini menggunakan paradigima kritis dengan pendekatan kombinasi normatif atau doktrinal dan sosiologis atau non doktrinal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Hans Kelsen lebih mengarahkan pikirannya bahwa positivisme hukum yang menganggap pembicaraan moral, nilai-nilai telah selesai dan final manakala sampai pada pembentukan hukum positif. Teori Hukum Murni bukanlah salinan ide transendental yang sempurna, namun tidak berusaha memandang hukum sebagai anak cucu keadilan. Sementara hukum progresifnya Rahardjo bertumpu pada aspek peraturan dan perilaku (rules and behavior). Peraturan akan membangun suatu sistem hukum positif yang logis dan rasional. Sedangkan aspek perilaku atau manusia akan menggerakkan peraturan dan sistem yang dibangun.

    Hans Kelsen and the international Law

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    El artículo resalta los aportes realizados por Hans Kelsen en temas relativos al derecho internacional y su conexión con la justicia, la filosofía política, la democracia y la teoría del Estado. En los años en que Kelsen trabaja para el Instituto Universitario de Altos Estudios Internacionales, elabora importantes estudios sobre el, en aquel momento, nuevo proyecto de Organización de Naciones Unidas. En este sentido, aparece una comparación entre la teoría del derecho internacional que elabora Kelsen y la que elaboró su discípulo Alfred Verdross. Por último, también aparecen desarrolladas cuestiones vinculadas a las relaciones existentes entre la Teoría Pura del Derecho y el derecho internacional.This article remarks the contributions made by Hans Kelsen in topics related with the international law and its connection with the issue of justice, politics philosophy, democracy and theory of State. In the years in which Kelsen was working for the International High Studies University Institute, he made some approaches to the, in that time, new project for the United Nations Organisation. In this sense, it appears a new comparison between the international law theory made by Kelsen and the theory made by his disciple Alfred Verdross. Finally, in this article also appear some approaches over some topics related to the relations that exist between the Pure Theory of Law and the International LawPublicad

    As refutações de Michel Villey às críticas de Hans Kelsen ao Direito Natural

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    The article interprets Michel Villey’s refutation of Hans Kelsen’s critique of Natural Law. Thus, it first describes Kelsen’s critique of the Natural Law thesis and, then, Villey’s refutation defending Natural Law. Finally, on the basis of Kelsen and Villey, it tries to make an evaluation of the critique and refutation around the topic of Natural Law in the debate of continental philosophy of law.Keywords: Hans Kelsen, Michel Villey, Natural Law.O presente artigo interpreta as refutações de Michel Villey às críticas de Hans Kelsen ao Direito Natural. O objetivo é, primeiramente, apresentar as críticas de Kelsen às teses jusnaturalistas para, em seguida, apresentar as refutações de Villey defendendo o Direito Natural. Por fim, o artigo pretende, a partir de Kelsen e Villey, realizar um balanço dentro do debate da Filosofia do Direito continental sobre críticas e refutações em torno do tema do Direito Natural.Palavras-chave: Hans Kelsen, Michel Villey, Direito Natural

    Hans Kelsen und Sigmund Freud - Unmittelbare und mittelbare Bezugnahmen sowie mögliche Einflüsse

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung zwischen Hans Kelsen und Sigmund Freud und zielt darauf ab, das transdisziplinäre Interesse der beiden Vertreter der Wiener Moderne zu skizzieren. Zum einen wird erörtert, ob Hans Kelsens Interesse für psychoanalytische Themen temporär begrenzt war, zum anderen wird einer möglichen Einflussnahme von Hans Kelsen auf Sigmund Freud nachgegangen. Anhand einer umfassenden Analyse der Primärliteratur werden direkte und indirekte Bezugnahmen näher beleuchtet sowie etwaige Einflüsse auf das jeweils andere Wissenschaftsgebiet herausgearbeitet und unter Einbeziehung von Quellen der Sekundärliteratur diskutiert. Die Betrachtung erfolgt aus einem Blickwinkel der Politikwissenschaft.The following thesis deals with the supposed mutual scientific influence of Hans Kelsen and Sigmund Freud. It aims at outlining the transdisciplinary interest of the two representatives of the Viennese Modernism. On the one hand, the text tries to prove that Kelsen´s occupation with psychoanalysis and closely related subjects was not temporary but continuous. Freud´s theories influenced Kelsen´s work throughout his lifetime. On the other, the question is raised whether Freud himself was also possibly influenced by Kelsen. By means of an extensive analysis of the works of both Kelsen and Freud, direct and indirect references (quotations/similarities of their ideas) are closely examined. Furthermore, possible mutual influences of the different scientific fields are analysed and discussed by including sources of secondary literature. The approach to the subject is mainly carried out from a perspective of political science